A successful law enforcement career can be over in a second. Poor decisions about money, relationships and alcohol have long been the culprit, but today the way such decisions play out has changed. In this webinar, Chief Ken Wallentine and Lt. Jim Glennon will share current research and analysis into the behaviors that lead to officers being fired or demoted—and how law enforcement executives can help their officers avoid such behaviors.
You’ll learn:
- Recent court decisions that provide insight into how courts view officer misconduct and how your actions will be evaluated if you’re accused of misconduct.
- How new technologies and new media are changing the way officers get into trouble.
- Warning signs that an officer may be likely to get into trouble.
- Steps supervisors, FTOs and executives can take to educate officers about misconduct and how to avoid it.
Presented by:
Chief Ken Wallentine Lt. Jim Glennon
Special Agent Owner/Lead Instructor
Utah Attorney General’s Office Calibre Press
Note: Two videos are played during the webinar:
Miami - Head Kick Incident
Seattle - Ice Ax Incident
Social Media Explainer
Sample Policies:
Standards of Conduct
Speech, Expression and Social Networking
Public Recording of Law Enforcement Activity