Thursday, March 27, 2025 | 1 pm Eastern [60 minutes]

Part of First Responder Wellness Week

Your agency’s wellness program can be an important differentiator, having a positive impact on recruitment, retention, worker’s compensation costs, overtime and general morale. But how do you know what REALLY works when it comes to wellness? 

In this webinar, you’ll have an opportunity to obtain on-the-spot advice from Lexipol’s wellness experts. Our team has helped thousands of agencies create, maintain and measure the effectiveness of their wellness efforts. By taking your specific questions and providing examples of programs that work, we’ll share actionable advice on how agencies can “lead through wellness.”

You’ll learn:

  • Why your agency needs a comprehensive wellness program and how to gain buy-in and budgetary support from leadership.
  • The important role of the wellness advocate/coordinator in program success.
  • How to integrate effective peer support into your wellness program.
  • Strategies for boosting personnel engagement with wellness initiatives.
  • Key metrics for measuring success.

Presented by:

Dr. Jaime Brower 
Vice President, Peer Support and Clinician Training and Certification, Lexipol
Mandy Nice 
Senior Customer Enablement Manager, Wellness, Lexipol 
Emily Hitchings  
Programming Director, Wellness 
Chief (Ret.) Neil Gang 
Pinole (CA) Police Department 
Lexipol Market Ambassador


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