Lexipol is here to support your agency as you pursue excellence through the accreditation process. This webinar series will highlight the various components of successful accreditation. Each webinar will focus on a step in the process, from the development of sound department policies to proving your accreditation body standards and compiling compliance proofs. Through thoughtful discussions on recruitment and retainment challenges and ethical leadership, our panelists will help your agency not only prove compliance but also integrate accreditation standards into your agency culture.

Lexipol has a new Law Enforcement Accreditation Service designed to help your agency efficiently achieve accreditation. This white glove service provides full policy implementation, online standards-based training through PoliceOne Academy and customized accreditation guidance.


Gordon Graham on the Importance of Law Enforcement Accreditation

Webinars in this series include:

Three Easy Steps for Proving Accreditation Compliance
April 27, 2023  |  View Now

The Three Most Common Pitfalls in the Accreditation Process
July 12, 2023  |  View Now

The Importance of Achieving Accreditation for Your Agency: A Panel Discussion
January 30, 2024  |  View Now

Questions? Contact Lexipol at webinars@lexipol.com