“The police are the public and the public are the police.” Those words from Sir Robert Peel, known as the father of modern British policing, ring true today. And yet, media reports often depict the police and public as pitted against one another, a chasm of distrust separating them.
In fact, many law enforcement agencies are achieving significant successes in community/police engagement. In this webinar, Lexipol co-founder Gordon Graham will moderate a lively discussion among representatives from three agencies actively engaged in their communities. The programs used are quite different, but each provides ways to improve communication with community members, build partnerships and enhance public safety.
You’ll learn:
- The role community engagement plays in mitigating agency risk.
- Different forums to consider for community outreach, from workshops to citizen’s academies to presence at sporting events.
- How demographic and crime data can help determine effective deployment of community engagement efforts.
- Best practices in designing and implementing community outreach programs.
Presented by:
Gordon Graham
Attorney and Risk Management Expert
Co-Founder and Board Member, Lexipol
Officer Ryan Tillman and Lt. Rodney Lombard
Chino (CA) Police Department
Founders, Breaking Barriers United
Chief Robert Jonsen
Menlo Park (CA) Police Department
Sgt. Michael Hestir
Columbia (MO) Police Department

Additional Resources:
Sample Community Relations Policy
Sample Daily Training Bulletins
Familiarization with Community Groups
Promoting Positive Relationships
Promoting Positive Relationships, Part 2
Community Presentations
Presenter Contact Info:
Officer Ryan Tillman
Lt. Rodney Lombard
Chief Robert Jonsen
Sgt. Michael Hestir